Rektal Conspirasy

Tis is contuation of Rektal Panik, I am stille alaiv, butt my saniti is fadyn kuikly, I dont knov hov lonk I hav left, ame sori for my writink, as I hav barley sense enogh to mak maislef unerstood, so pliss red my messeg, red and utersand it ites my onli hope to klens mai soil befor I dai, I dont hav lonk left.


I hev been hier 3 montes alredi, and at ferst I dedint mind, bekos it was te onli pleich thathe left me ateh peich, batt datte dedint laseth lonk, becaus I vas havni konstante niet terroz, ate ferst it wase may shaildhood sharacters, whitche I dendint minde, because it geiv me pease at minde. But over the time ther bevior shanged and it sarted to sinester, and on neight sometheng strang hapen, I wok into the drem, at full concious, arond me was a cercil of mein, shaildhud cartoon heros, there were Shrek, Pokemons, Sonic, Mario and even not so known heros like Biker Mice From Urauns and Blenki Byll and many more.
Thei stod in a full cirkel, at ferst, thinked they ver silent, bute over tim I cent her dem a silente shantig. Wenn I turned arond, ther was a opening in the ring with more characts familar form shildehood. Tey stood in a line, aend at teh end I cold see a faint figure, a larerg fugire wieth a jellow burds beek and lareg borwn bode, and jet balck feet.
I cold not help ite but stared walken towarts it, an ass I get klowser, I colt herd whispers penetrating mai skulls, and mye bons danset to a tune I never herd before, dancing towards the berdish fegure, I started to her wespers inside me.
"I know you can hear me"
"Listen to me"
"I am a dying being please let me into your heart"
"Please accept my warmth"
"I beg you to show me mercy please"
I started to feel a warm feeling insed me ant son madtness sorgin ensaid me, suddenly... blakness.


Fuck fuck fuck fuck, I have no idea what is going on here, I am sitting here feeling normal for the first time, in what would feel like weeks.. maybe even months.
I have no idea what is going on, and I can barely make out anything from the mess of a text that is written above me, looking around me I can see a few bodies, and my hands, they are drenched in blood, I feel physically drained, but I am more alert than I have, It's the middle of the night here, an as far as I can tell I am in a asylum of sorts somwhere, the only thing I can hear is the screams of inmates, it seems something has happened, most probably something that I did with my own hands, but I don't remember anything. I tried the phone, but it seems to be cut off, after writing this, I am going to contact the police trough the internet, and turn myself in. Though it seems that everything some hov is gett in hevier.
Thei, thei vill nevr katch me, not them and espeshally not, him...
Please please before its too late, please
please before its to late.
Please accept my mercy, please play Crappi Burd.
Please accept my mercy, please download Crappi Burd.
Please accept my offer.
I plead from the bottom of my heart.